600 Valley Chile Rd
El Paso, TX  79821
(915) 886-4690
Steak and Barbecue
I Ate: The T-bone steak (2 lb) with grilled onions; german chocolate cake for dessert
Price: ~$26 + tax/tip

(Five stars at its best; four at its worst)

The Great American Land & Cattle Co. has several locations inside El Paso; I visited the one which stands prominently on Interstate-10, just West of Exit 2.  They are best known for their steaks, with kudos for their barbecue as well.


I arrived with some friends shortly before the restaurant opened, and we were the first ones in.  Much to my horror, there were water-spots on the silverware!  How awful!  (Yes, I am emoting a bit.)

A much more egregious problem, however, was the lack of a simple house salad on the sparse menu.  I didn't much care for either available appetizer (caesar salad or shrimp cocktail), nor did the rest of my party; so we sat there, sipping our drinks, bored and hungry.  Looking back, though, we probably needed the space that salad would've taken up for what was to come next.


The waitress brought me a humongous, 32-oz T-bone steak, grilled au jus.  It was wonderfully tender and flavorful.  I did sacrifice a corner in exchange for one of my friends' barbecued ribs.  The meaty rib was overlaid with a rich, tangy sauce; ideal barbecue fare!  The meal was served with baked potato, beans, and tasty pineapple-flavored cole slaw.  The bread was coated with oil, and wasn't to my taste.

Now, good meat tends not to fill you up, so we had room for dessert.  I had a memorable slice of german chocolate cake, with whipped cream on the side.  I wasn't able to snag a taste of my friend's strawberry cheesecake, but it certainly looked good, and from the sounds she was making it must've tasted so, too.

In conclusion, the Great American Land & Cattle Co. is an excellent place to dine, so long as you don't arrive TOO hungry.  Drop some crackers into your pocket before you leave home.  Once that hurdle is passed, however, you're in for a steak and barbecue delight!


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